Pulling and pushing on our trunk,
we make our entrance... looking for
the X that marks the spot.
When the spot is found it gets a good
sweeping to prepare it for our stage floor
and trunk.....
As Jobo assembles the floor, a giant fly
buggs him and Bethuzala swats at it,
distracting Jobo....
"What are you doing Bethuzala?
Why are you
swatting me?" - "No, I swear, there was
a giant fly on your butt..."
Finally the floor and circus wagon
assembled and : Tadda'!!!! "We are Bethuzala and
Jobo, and we are here for the birthday party"
After some 'Magic Tricks' performed
by Bethuzala, our 'Bandana/Banana' skit
has the kids cracking up....
Our choice for 'Fumbled Fairytales'
Goldylocks. Jobo puts on a gold wig
becomming the main character....
Bethuzala narrates the story but
a lot of mistakes, and the kids have a ball correcting
her, while Jobo acts out the words....
Goldylocks is sleeping in the little
that's just right when the bears (kids) come
home, and end up chasing Jobo around....
Everybody gets a balloon 'Clown Nose'....
... and runs around walking like a clown.
Giant Soap Bubbles
Balloon Amimals and Sculptures
Magic Tricks
Hand Puppets